Memes for a Monday

Okay enough of these single digit weather forecasts – I want to ditch the flannel sheets now! And yes I know +12 is double digit but … Anyway let’s warm up with a few memes.

As a new car owner I can attest to the veracity of this fear.

Smart kid.

Any thoughts? Or do we just head right to the prayers?

Ask me why I wasn’t surprised to find out this sign was on a highway in Alberta? (Sorry Debra.)

Me getting out of bed in the morning.

Now that’s funny, girl.

I’m not sure I ever knew.

The modern rules of debate?

More and more each day. (See above)

Modes of Reasoning 101

A vegan meme because… just because.

Or a knee or a hip or ….

Because you were expecting this.

A thought to take you through the week.

The word for May 13th is:
Veracity /və-răs′ĭ-tē/: [noun]
1.1 Adherence to the truth; truthfulness.
1.2 Conformity to fact or truth; accuracy.
1.3 A true statement.
From Old French veracitie, from Medieval Latin vērācitās (“truthfulness”), from Latin vērāx (“truthful, speaking truth”), from vērus (“true, real”).

Memes for a Monday

Well it’s been almost three weeks since Spring arrived and we’re still using the flannel sheets. This seasons thing is becoming a joke. Speaking of jokes here’s a few memes for the 19th day of Spring!

A touch of misandry to start the week.

Always ask for the Senior’s discount.

Well as long as all you do is sleep.

Need I say more.

A marriage hack – thank you.

And what’s your sign?

Well I learned a lot in our church choir.

Plus ca change ….

Vanity or warning plates?

Does pink make me look fat?

Satan’s spawn for sure.

Presentation is everything.

And they call themselves a book store???

Handcrafts can be so rewarding.

The word for May 6th is:
Spawn /spôn/: [1. noun 2. verb]
1.1 The eggs of aquatic animals such as bivalve mollusks, fishes, and amphibians.
1.2 Offspring, especially when occurring in large numbers.
1.3 A product or an outcome.
2.1 To deposit eggs.
2.2 To produce offspring in large numbers.
2.3 To produce or deposit (spawn).
2.4 To produce (offspring).
2.5 To produce or give rise to.
Recorded since 1413; from Middle English spawne, spawnen, from Anglo-Norman espaundre, from Old French espandre, from Latin expandere (“stretch out”, “spread out”).

Memes for a Monday

It has been mentioned by several faithful readers that it has been some time since feline memes have appeared here. (Okay no one mentioned it but it was one way to introduce this post.)

As a matter of fact it has been so long that this was the first meme that appeared on the draft back in the cold days of winter – as opposed to the cold days of spring.

And there is another room with sofas for less athletic cats.


Since each cat considers themselves a god I’m not sure who they are worshipping.

It’s all a matter of purrspective.

Imagine the Gaul!

Any Latin scholars care to translate?

From the Netflix series I believe?

Until a few weeks ago I had never heard the “word” YOLO.

I notice that biting has not been included – very wise.

Consider yourself lucky that you are being regarded at all.

I’ll just leave this here.

Less trouble than a few “take your kids to work” days I’ve experienced.

You tell them – strike fear into their foolish hearts.

The word for April 29th is:
Fluff /flŭf/: [noun]
1.1 Light down or fuzz, as on a young bird or on a dandelion or milkweed seed.
1.2 Something having a very light, soft, or frothy consistency or appearance.
1.3 Something of little substance or consequence.
1.4 Light or superficial entertainment.
1.5 Inflated or padded material.
1790, apparently a variant of floow “wooly substance, down, nap” (1580s), perhaps from Flemish vluwe, from French velu “shaggy, hairy,” from Latin vellus “fleece,” or Latin villus “tuft of hair”.

Memes for a Monday

One or two of these may give offence to some of my readers of a more delicate nature; however that doesn’t mean I won’t post them anywhere.

Let’s get this one out of the way right now.

This one caused a bit of a ruckus on FB when I posted it. Ruckus scores for 12 by the way.

I must admit this photo does make the Sistine Chapel look a trifle OTT.

I must be a first class hero then.

Left over from Easter or maybe All Hallowstide.

Since the Stone Age kids have been disappointing their parents.

Hmmm…. not sure that was ever the case but it’s a thought.

How can you tell he doesn’t live in Canada?

I don’t think I ever used it but I’m going to try from now on.

A coincidence? I think not.

Reason #22.

Punctuation is important.

I knew I shouldn’t have gone to see Little Wicked Letters – Olivia Coleman is a bad influence.

The word for April 22nd is:
Offence /ə-fĕns′/: [noun]
1.1 The act of causing anger, resentment, displeasure, or affront.
1.2 The state of being offended.
1.3 A violation or infraction of a moral or social code; a transgression or sin.
1.4 The portion of a team dedicated to scoring when in position to do so; contrasted with defence.
From Latin offensa (“a striking against; displeasure; injury”).
I believe our American friends spell it “offense” but it’s the same thing.

Memes for a Monday

It’s been a crazy weekend so these are just a tad late. And of course given the big event today (we will have almost totality here in Charlottetown) there are a few eclipse memes scattered about.

Hell there’s one in our parking lot just waiting to swallow the UPS truck.

This past week encapsulated.

I think he’s on to something.

I’ll just leave this here.

Or any other delivery service for that matter.

Yet there is that lingering doubt – we didn’t sacrifice a virgin.

A sign of the time’s.

And yet the chances are this kid survived.

Mine too!

And our weekly groaner.

Just waiting until 4:38 pm to fill in that fifth spot!

And this would be worse in what way?

For my friend Pammy.

Okay! Now I get it.

The word for April 8th is:
Event /ĭ-vĕnt′/: [noun]
1.1 Something that takes place, especially a significant occurrence.
1.2 A social gathering or activity.
1.3 A contest in a sports competition, such as a meet.
From Latin ēventus (“an event, occurrence”), from ēveniō (“to happen, to fall out, to come out”), from ē (“out of, from”), short form of ex, + veniō (“come”).

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